Thursday, March 3, 2011

Travel Day

Today was a travel day. It was 9 degrees and raining this morning when we left Fortuna and 19 degrees and sunny when we arrived in a suburb of Sacramento. After a few days driving the coast to avoid snowy passes, we drove inland winding around hills, through redwood forests and past sleepy towns not yet geared up for tourists.
We stopped for lunch at Clear Lake then began to notice the appearance of green on the hillsides, buds on the trees and camellias blooming in gardens. First signs of spring! Driving into Sacramento, we passed miles and miles of blooming trees in impossibly straight rows. My guess is that they are almonds but we'll find out tomorrow. The orchards have stacks of beehives located every few hundred yards. I guess they have to be imported now to be sure.
We're travelling all day tomorrow too. Hope to get in reach of Death Valley. If we're lucky, we'll see some desert flowers!

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